The GNU Story

GNU began as a dream. I’ve always placed a high value on study, academia and proper training for ministry. In today’s climate, I don’t believe that people are simply downloaded with all that is needed for ministry, but godly knowledge needs to be acquired and properly applied. The Bible places emphasis on study and the diligence involved to show one's aptitude for ministry. It’s like a craftsman; before they became a master at their craft, they started off as an apprentice.
At least 10 years ago, I had this thought to start a ministry training center. I had written this aspiration in what I called my “book of dreams.” I literally turned the page on it, and put it on the back burner, so to speak, because of other pressing matters that were taking place at the Church that needed my undivided attention.
It wasn’t until 4 years had passed that I began to work on this project again. My desire was to have a fully accredited Bible College. I had reached out to other schools in the hopes of developing a partnership, but there was so much red tape, and the requirements of the Province of Quebec were so stringent, even intrusive, that it was no longer an avenue that I wanted to pursue. There were a few minor setbacks and it caused us to shelve the project yet again.
It wasn’t until the Pandemic, that a greater sense of urgency came. We were literally witnessing a sign of the times and we needed more laborers in the field. Instead of shutting down, we decided to open up. So we quickly devised a plan, formulated a curriculum and the Lord provided a group of instructors who would teach the courses.
We moved forward on the premise that things needed to happen immediately, and there wasn’t a moment to waste. We weren’t waiting for every detail to line up and have all the things that we needed; we simply knew the time was now and if we didn’t seize the moment, this dream would be over.
So, our inaugural class began with 7 full-time students. This number at first seemed meager, but the Lord quickly reminded me that we ought not despise the day of small beginnings. Now, we are in our third academic year and the student body has tripled. Signs for growth in the future are showing, as there is interest shown from people, not just in our church or Montreal, but internationally.
I remember at our first chapel service, my wife and I wept because our dream was materializing right before our eyes. The best days for GNU are ahead. The Lord desires workers and we feel that we are doing our part, as workers, to produce more workers in the form of Spirit-filled ministers to make sure there will be a greater harvest for God’s glory.
At least 10 years ago, I had this thought to start a ministry training center. I had written this aspiration in what I called my “book of dreams.” I literally turned the page on it, and put it on the back burner, so to speak, because of other pressing matters that were taking place at the Church that needed my undivided attention.
It wasn’t until 4 years had passed that I began to work on this project again. My desire was to have a fully accredited Bible College. I had reached out to other schools in the hopes of developing a partnership, but there was so much red tape, and the requirements of the Province of Quebec were so stringent, even intrusive, that it was no longer an avenue that I wanted to pursue. There were a few minor setbacks and it caused us to shelve the project yet again.
It wasn’t until the Pandemic, that a greater sense of urgency came. We were literally witnessing a sign of the times and we needed more laborers in the field. Instead of shutting down, we decided to open up. So we quickly devised a plan, formulated a curriculum and the Lord provided a group of instructors who would teach the courses.
We moved forward on the premise that things needed to happen immediately, and there wasn’t a moment to waste. We weren’t waiting for every detail to line up and have all the things that we needed; we simply knew the time was now and if we didn’t seize the moment, this dream would be over.
So, our inaugural class began with 7 full-time students. This number at first seemed meager, but the Lord quickly reminded me that we ought not despise the day of small beginnings. Now, we are in our third academic year and the student body has tripled. Signs for growth in the future are showing, as there is interest shown from people, not just in our church or Montreal, but internationally.
I remember at our first chapel service, my wife and I wept because our dream was materializing right before our eyes. The best days for GNU are ahead. The Lord desires workers and we feel that we are doing our part, as workers, to produce more workers in the form of Spirit-filled ministers to make sure there will be a greater harvest for God’s glory.
Pastor Steve Gesualdi